People & Culture
These 10 members of Canadian Geographic’s online Photo Club are making waves with their unique perspectives on Canadian wildlife and landscapes
- Jan 08, 2020
- 1,451 words
- 6 minutes
By Alexandra Pope

The Canadian Geographic Photo Club launched in 2008 as a way to encourage photographers to share their unique corner of Canada with other Canadians. Since then, the Club has grown to include more than 11,000 active members, some of whom log on daily to share what they’ve discovered on a recent hike, a trip to a province or territory they’ve never visited before, or even just in their own backyard. We at Canadian Geographic are proud to share these images with millions of readers through our magazine, special interest publications, calendars, websites and social media. Over the years, we’ve gotten to know many of our Photo Club members personally and look forward to their new work. This year, we’ll be spotlighting some of those members, starting with these 10 standout photographers.
Become a member of the Photo Club and sign up for our newsletter to stay informed aboutnew competitions (we run a minimum of two per year!) and other opportunities to engage with Canadian Geographic!
Gabor Dosa
Location: White Rock, B.C.
Member since: 2016

An explosion of anchovies on the B.C. coast attracts hundreds of seagulls, who take advantage of the easy pickings — occasionally diving in deeper water to get to the bigger fish. (Photo: Gabor Dosa/Can Geo Photo Club)
Living steps from beautiful Semiahmoo Bay in White Rock, B.C., Gabor Dosa has almost daily opportunities to shoot amazing nature scenes, but he also enjoys capturing social events and everyday life in his community. “Photography to me is a means to share what I see and enjoy — the natural beauty that surrounds us and the people that make us strong as a nation,” he says. Sharing his work with the Photo Club, he adds, has made him a better photographer. “It provides me with a good opportunity to showcase the photographs that I have taken and receive feedback.”
See more of Gabor Dosa’sphotography
Nunzio Guerrera
Location: Montreal
Member since: 2013

A frosty fall morning in Parc national du Mont-Tremblant, Que. (Photo: Nunzio Guerrera/Can Geo Photo Club)
Nunzio Guerrera loves capturing the wild beauty of his home province of Quebec, especially in the fall when the Laurentians come alive with colour. “The great thing about photography is that it gives me an opportunityto get out and concentrate for a time on what nature has to offer at that moment,” he says. Asked what he enjoys most about the Photo Club, Guerrera says he appreciates being able to share his corner of Canada with other Canadians, while also seeing their perspectives on the other provinces and territories.
See more of Nunzio Guerrera’s photography
Nicole Watson
Location: Kingston, Ont.
Member since: 2015

Monarch butterflies roosting in Presqu’ile Provincial Park, Ont. (Photo: Nicole Watson/Can Geo Photo Club)
For Nicole Watson, photography is a challenge that keeps her on a continual learning curve, whether she’s experimenting with different camera settings or getting in position to photograph her favourite animals, including foxes, owls and pine martens. Watson hopes to cross a few shots off her bucket list this year. “Being a native Newfoundlander, I would love to get photos of a humpback whale, an iceberg and a herd of caribou,” she says. “Also, because I love to go winter camping in Algonquin Park, I am hoping to get a photo of an Algonquin wolf. I have only seen this rare species once and was unfortunately not quick enough to get the shot before it disappeared into the woods. So hopefully 2020 will be my year!”
See more of Nicole Watson’sphotography
Lise Simoneau
Location: Quebec City
Member since: 2009

A syrphid fly (also known as a hoverfly) perches on a flower. (Photo: Lise Simoneau/Can Geo Photo Club)
Lise Simoneau has been a member of the Can Geo Photo Club almost since its inception and says she loves seeing how other photographers view our amazing world. A self-described “nature person,” Simoneau enjoys photographing birds, animals and insects, the latter up close. “Each photo is a discovery, a challenge or a way to change my approach,” she says. “When I do macrophotography, I feelprivileged tobe a spectator of the tiniest life.”
See more of Lise Simoneau’s photography
Jack Adamson
Location: Victoria
Member since: 2016

Architectural details inside the new Calgary Public Library. (Photo: Jack Adamson/Can Geo Photo Club)
“What I love about photography is being able to tell a unique story in a single frame,” says Jack Adamson, adding he particularly enjoys capturing people and landscapes. His photography goal for 2020? “If I ever invest in a telephoto, I would love to shoot a lot more wildlife!”
See more of Jack Adamson’s photography
Ramin Izadpanah
Location: Ottawa
Member since: 2008

A female mallard duck stretches her wings during the golden hour of morning. (Photo: Ramin Izadpanah/Can Geo Photo Club)
For Ramin Izadpanah, life is too full to focus his art on one or two or even five subjects. “I love everything from rushing rivers in the Rocky Mountains to how water dances when a heron takes off in flight to how a fallen leaf, laden with frost, catches the fading light of day on the Ottawa River at -35 C. I simply love shooting!” he says. Izadpanah plans many of his shoots — mostly so he can dress for the weather — but says his favourite moments in the field are the unexpected ones. “I love it when an animal appears out of nowhere or the light changes.I just hope I have the right lens with me!”
See more of Ramin Izadpanah’s photography
Lesley Wiebe
Location: Lethbridge, Alta.
Member since: 2017

A late autumn sunrise in the Richardson Mountains of the Northwest Territories, just past the Yukon boundary. (Photo: Lesley Wiebe/Can Geo Photo Club)
Lesley Wiebe loves to shoot in wide-open landscapes that dwarf human subjects, so she says she feels fortunate that her husband’s job has taken them all over British Columbia, Alberta and the Yukon in recent years. “I’m often huffing my camera and tripod along on day ormulti-day backpacking trips to shoot from mountain summits andpasses—but it gets me fit!” she says. Wiebe enjoys drawing inspiration from her fellow Photo Club members, especially for locations to add to her must-shoot list. “Photo Club members go on some amazingtrips; the travel inspo is real!”
See more of Lesley Wiebe’s photography
Jason Wilde
Location: Bowen Island, B.C.
Member since: 2012

A waterfall on Bowen Island, B.C. (Photo: Jason Wilde/Can Geo Photo Club)
Jason Wilde was inspired to become a landscape and adventure photographer after seeing a polar explorer on the cover of Canadian Geographic magazine as a young child. Today, he is living his dream, travelling to some of the most beautiful places in Canada and the world in pursuit of amazing images. “I love being a member of the Photo Club because it allows me to get inspired by other photographers’ work and inspire others,” he says. “I love being able to find new locations that othershave photographed and then going to those locations to try a new composition.”
See more of Jason Wilde’s photography
Jenny Stevens
Location: Westport, Ont.
Member since: 2010

A grizzly cub watches as its mother triesto snag a spawning salmon. (Photo: Jenny Stevens/Can Geo Photo Club)
Ask Jenny Stevens her favourite subject to photograph and she’s quick to answer: bears! “Any kind,” she elaborates, “but especially grizzlies. Kermode bears are a close second.” At almost 75 years of age, Stevens plans on keeping up a busy travel schedule this year that includes two trips to British Columbia to see grizzlies in the spring and fall. “I just cannot get enough of them!” she says.
See more of Jenny Stevens’ photography
Bill Williams
Location: Iqaluit
Member since: 2011

The aurora borealis light up a frigid winter night in Iqaluit. (Photo: Bill Williams/Can Geo Photo Club)
Many Canadians would balk at the idea of venturing outside on a frigid winter night, but for Bill Williams, that’s when the photographic magic happens. Williams loves finding creative ways to capture the aurora borealis that frequently light up Iqaluit’s skies, such as centering a person or an interesting building in the foreground. “I love how photography makes you look at things twice,” he says. “Asa photographer you don’t take things just at face value. It reallymakes you want todig deeper and find that other perspective or story.”
See more of Bill Williams’ photography
Related: Enter our CanadianWildlife Photography of the Year competition!
photography photo club wildlife nature canada
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